Minutes 08/27/2003

Board Of Directors Meeting

Hamlet At Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on August 27, 2003 at Tom Pitschneider residence. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Chris Gustafson, Barb Fialkowski, Dave Lindquist, and Bob Pickens. Also present were Mike Stark and Brian Cameron.

The meeting was called order at 7:00 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.

Upon motion, duly made and approved, Minutes from the July meeting were approved.

Meeting Minutes

1) Dues Collections. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the 2002 and 2003 receivables. After considerable discussion on past receivables, upon motions duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously approved the following resolutions.

Resolved: Residents that were not informed of the existence of the Home Owners Association either before or at the time of closing will have past due surcharges credited. Our policy will be that current residents who did not own said property in 2002 (based on verification), will have 2002 unpaid dues forgiven. The only exception to this policy will be if the property was owned in 2002 by a developer, then we will not forgive the dues and will continue to seek collection from the developer.

Resolved: Upon proof of acceptable documentation, the Treasurer is empowered to waive 2002 dues from Gary Dose, Mark Daniels, and Michele Carpenter, based on circumstances.

The Board decided to conduct personal visits to remaining property owners with outstanding dues prior to the next Board meeting. Regarding the issues of taking legal action against property owners who refuse to pay association dues, the Board unanimously approved a motion to get Board insurance prior to initiating any legal action.

Resolved: Prior to initiating legal action against any homeowner the Board will get D&O insurance, as required under the By Laws of the Association.

Mr. Pickens indicated he was expecting a proposal on the same and would status the Board on terms and costs at the next meeting.

2) 2004 Budget. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the Association’s cash balance. The current balance of approximately $37,486 was considered sufficient for operations. The Board requested that Ms. Fialkowski create a draft 2004 budget based on historical expenses in 2003 and known changes for 2004, for discussion at the next meeting.

3) County Road 21 Alignment. Brian Cameron and Mike Stark addressed the Board regarding concerns over the proposed County Road 21 Alignment. After considerable discussion the Board took no position on the road given concerns that not all homeowners would be against the current alignment. However, the Board did feel it appropriate to provide community resources for the communication of information by concerned residents. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board made the following resolution.

Resolved: The Board appoints Mike Stark and Brian Cameron as Special Administrators to work with concerned residents and update the Board on matters concerning the Association. The Board authorized the Treasurer to provide a homeowner mailing list to Messrs. Cameron and Stark and to release funds to support one mailing by said Special Administrators to area residents.

4) Potential Code Violation. Several residents have recently complained to the Board regarding properties that were suspected of violating City Codes, specifically for lawn conditions. The Board requested the Secretary to contact Shakopee Police and request property visits.

5) Master Association. Mr. Lindquist updated the Board on the most recent Master Association meeting. The Master Association now has decided to move to a quarterly billing cycle to the Community Associations to help with cash flow. The Master Association would like to see the parkway restored to its original condition in 2004. The Master Association expects to see an initial draft of the 2004 budget at its October 28th meeting. Finally, the Master Association reports approximately $20,000 of available cash which is deemed sufficient for operations through the remainder of 2003.

6) Maintenance Update. Mr. Pitschneider indicated that a tree that had been damaged by a recent storm had not been cleared and that he was discuss this issue further with the City Park Department. Some discussions have been had recently with residents about funding some additional monument plantings. Given the time of year, now is considered a good time to purchase said planting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board resolved the following:

Resolved: The Board approved the Treasurer to make available $100 for the purchase of plantings for monuments as long as homeowners in the area provide the labor for said plantings.

7) Communications Update. Mr. Pickens informed the Board that three residents had volunteered to be the Communications Committee and that they would be meeting within the next week to organize their activities and create a funding request for 2004.

8) Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for November 6, 2004 at 7:00 pm, at a place to be determined, once expected homeowner attendance is confirmed.

There being no additional business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectively Submitted,

Bob Pickens
