Minutes 01/07/2003
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Jan 7, 2003
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Tim Kubicek’s House
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with the all board members present.
1) The Minutes for the November 26th, 2002 Board Meeting were updated and approved.
2) Discussion of Association Rules
a) The Board discussed the latest version of the draft Rules and offered suggestions to be taken back to the Rules Committee.
b) The Rules Committee will also develop a recommendation on a “Grandfather Clause” for properties that will be in violation of the rules.
3) Financial
a) 37-39 Homes still have outstanding 2002 dues
i) Tom will start working with an attorney to determine the process and specific costs associated with filing liens against these delinquent accounts.
ii) A decision will be made at the February meeting on how to proceed with the liens.
b) The Board discussed the proposed 2003 Budget.
i) We are still waiting for the Maintenance Committee’s budget for landscaping and grounds contracts.
ii) The Maintenance Committee should have bids and plans available by Jan 8th.
c) The tentative payment plan to the Master will be to pay the full prior year amount before April 1st at the discretion of the Treasurer.
d) The target date for the 2003 dues billing is March 1st.
e) Tim will start working on the Association’s tax filing.
4) Capital Improvement Plan and Fund
a) The Board agreed that there is a need for a long term Capital Improvement Plan. The plan will have an associated budget. It is yet to be determined who specifically will work on and develop the plan.
b) A Contingency Expense Account will be incorporated into the yearly budget to be used for unplanned or emergency expenses.
5) A Notice of Board Elections will be included in the 2003 Dues Invoicing.
6) The Board approved the Alteration Request submitted by the McGuire household.
7) Tom is working on instituting a Neighborhood Watch Program.
Next Meeting
The next Board Meeting was scheduled for Feb 11th at 7:00 PM. The location is yet to be determined.
Respectively submitted,
Chad Rice, Secretary