Minutes 05/30/2002
May 30th, 2002 - 7:30 PM
- Tom Pitschneider
- Chris Gustafson
- David Lindquist
- Lisa Johnson
- Chad Rice
- Steve Soltau (Shakopee Crossings)
1. New Bank Account
a. The Board voted to approve opening a new bank account with the authorized signors being Lisa Johnson and Tom Pitschneider.
2. Grounds Keeping
a. Steve led a discussion to inform the Board on what areas the Association is responsible for maintaining. In short, the Association is responsible for the two "eyebrows", the three entrance monuments, and the strip of land along Cambridge.
b. Chris will talk to Metro Sprinklers regarding what the current status is on the sprinklers in Hamlet and what would be involved in adding irrigation to currently non-irrigated areas.
c. Tom is in the process of getting a grounds keeping quote from Outdoor Environments.
3. Invoices
a. Steve will provide the Board with a list of lots sales containing information of when the lot was sold and who it was sold to. Steve emphasized that his information was limited to the initial sale of the lot. Steve did not capture information where the initial purchaser of a lot subsequently sold the lot to a different builder.
b. It was recognized that New Concepts owes the Association an additional mailing. It was suggested that the Board use this mailing for the 2002 invoices.
4. Finances
a. Steve has agreed to assist the Association in its short-term cash flow needs. The exact amount and structure of the deal has yet to be finalized. Steve will discuss this arrangement with Rick Packer of Arcon Development.