Minutes 05/02/2002

May 2nd, 2002 - 7:30 PM


  • Tom Pitschneider
  • Chris Gustafson
  • David Lindquist
  • Lisa Johnson
  • Chad Rice

1. Board Member Introductions

a. Board members provided a brief introduction of themselves providing personal background, interests, and strengths.

2. Board Transition Issues

a. The Board decided to look into hiring a new management company for the primary purposes of collections, invoicing, taxes, and fielding calls from the association regarding dues. It was discussed that it may be advantageous for the entire Southbridge development to have one management company.

3. Discuss Roles of Board Members

a. Roles for individual board members were established.

i. President: Tom Pitschneider

ii. Vice President: Chris Gustafson

iii. Treasurer: Lisa Johnson

iv. Secretary: Chad Rice

v. Master Association Representative: David Lindquist

b. The Board determined that it will be necessary to look into acquiring insurance/bonding for the Board and the Treasurer.

4. Communications with Association

a. The Board decided that the primary means of communicating with the Association would be through a web site. The address is www.hamlet-southbridge.com. Chris Gustafson will work on developing content for the site. Items that were recommended to be included on the site are minutes of meetings, financials, newsletters, community events, and community development issues.