Minutes 02/15/2007
Board of Directors Meeting
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on February 15, 2007 at Chili’s. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Pete Conrad, Adrienne Stark, Jenny Ames and Gary Dose. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.
1) Approval of Minutes – November 2, 2006 – motion by Adrienne, seconded by Gary.
2) Old Business
a. Mailbox Inserts – 26 orders received for inserts. Gary and Jenny will coordinate and communication installation plans to those 26. Installation to be done late March (tentatively).
3) Committee Updates
a. Southbridge Community Association – SAC Board meets monthly. Working on maintenance contracts for 2007. The SAC Board is responsible to trimming the boulevard trees and will have the landscaping company complete this project.
b. Communications – next newsletter tentatively set to go out in May, shortly after annual meeting. Web host change is complete.
c. Rules/Compliance – complaint of snowmobiles and trailer in resident’s front yard. This is a violation of our covenants. Gary will contact homeowner via a phone call or personal visit. “Trailer” is listed in our covenant, which includes snowmobile trailers. To make this completely clear to residents, we will add the word “snowmobile” to the covenant.
d. Maintenance
i. Irrigation – Site of “What’s Up” sign posting will be monitored to be sure it did not damage irrigation. If damage has occurred, sign owner will be billed accordingly. Prescription Irrigation to repair any damage to irrigation supply lines in control boxes due to failure to shut-off City water supply.
ii. Monuments – Working with approved contractor to schedule mulching and clean-up for spring.
iii. Islands – All items complete. Gary is getting a plan together to get the irrigation at the monuments and islands up and running on schedule this spring so that run into any delays.
iv. Architectural – We need additional residents on this committee. No new request received as of meeting date.
v. County Road 21 – city has budgeted this for 2008. Still waiting for federal approval.
4) Financial
a. Adrienne has updated all resident files, comparing Scott County resident names with those in our files. She has also compiled a list of those who are past due in their annual dues. Board approved placing liens on 11 properties and released the liens on three residents that have paid all past dues.
b. 2007 invoices – board decided on details of what’s to be included in 2007 invoice and annual meeting mailing.
5) New Business
a. Tentative date for annual meeting – April 19th. Tom to reserve Red Oak.
6) Good of the Association
7) Next Meeting
March 15th, 8:00 pm – Chili’s.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm on a motion by Pete, seconded by Tom.
Approved by all.
Respectively Submitted,
Jennifer Ames