Minutes 01/10/2006

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on January 10th at Panera. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Dave Lindquist, Sonya Kraft, Jenny Ames and resident treasurer Kathy Whitbeck.

The meeting was called order at 6:30 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.

Meeting Minutes

1) Meeting Minutes Approval: Minutes from the November meeting were approved via email in December, 2005 and subsequently posted to the website.

2) Old Business –

3) Committee Updates –

Southbridge Community Association (Sonya and Dave): nothing new to report.

Communications Committee (Jenny): Jenny has been handling the website duties. A resident volunteered to help with the newsletter, so the communications committee will be meeting later this month to plan for the spring newsletter.

Rules Committee (Sonya and Tom): Since the rules committee would be meeting immediately after this meeting, discussion of the rules process was delayed. Next meeting tentatively to be held on March 6th at 6:30 pm at Panera.

Maintenance Committee (Gary): Currently there’s only one bid for the monument top dressing and neighborhood tree trimming. Two more bids will be received. The “eyebrow” improvements were discussed at length. Tom will contact Mark Yost’s group, who had previously received bids on the eyebrows. We are requesting that a less expensive, downscaled bid be received. Due to the expensive nature of improving the eyebrows, we are looking for input from the residents on how it can either a) be done much less expensively or b) be done over 2 – 3 years.

Architectural Committee (Dave): no new requests for approval.

County Road 21 – tentatively set for construction in 2008.

4) Financial: Treasurer duties have been officially passed from Tom to Kathy Whitbeck. Second notice letters will be sent to all residents who have not paid in 2005. This was not done in 2005 since the treasurer position was vacated and not filled until now.

5) New Business – 2006 Budget was discussed and approved. The 2006 annual meeting is set for April 20th at 7 pm, pending reservation approval from Red Oak.

6) Other: It was discussed that because meeting dates can change quickly, we will request that residents let us know if they are attending, so we can inform them of any changes in date/time/place

    • Gary and Jenny will look into mailbox maintenance and the possibility of having locked mailboxes.
    • Ideas for Hamlet improvements were discussed. Some ideas include the following:
    • benches in park or on parkway, doggie bag receptacles, garbage cans (permanently secured) in parkway and/or various spots throughout Southbridge.

7) Next Meeting. The next meeting is tentatively set to be on Monday, March 6th at 8:00 pm at Panera.

The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.

Respectively Submitted,

Jenny Ames
