Minutes 07/17/2003
Board Of Directors Meeting
Hamlet At Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on July 17, 2003 at Barb Fialkowski’s residence. Present were Board members Tom Pitshneider, Chris Gustafson, Barb Fialkowski, Dave Lindquist, and Bob Pickens.
The meeting was called order at 7:05 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.
Upon motion, duly made and approved, minutes from the June meeting were approved.
Meeting Minutes
1) Financial Update and Review. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the Association’s financial standing. Current cash balance is $33,169.33 which is sufficient for current operations. Ms. Fialkowski provided the Board with an update on the effort to collect association dues from property owners who are listed as being in arrears. Of 72 demand letters mailed out recently, as of this date, 20 property owners have paid. After a short discussion on this situation, the Board determined that next steps involved individual conversations with delinquent property owners and evaluating future legal action.
2) Maintenance Committee. Mr. Gustafson provided a brief update on tree damage from recent storms. Mr. Pitschneider indicated he would call Public Works and request tree removal of those trees that have fallen on park land, and also to get a bid from Public Works for tree removal on other property. Mr. Gustafson also indicated he would get a similar bid for comparison from Minnesota Green.
3) Insurance. Mr. Pitschneider reported that after some review, liability insurance for the Association would be cost prohibitive given our size. Additional discussion centered on the availability of Board insurance and Mr. Pickens indicated he would have a conversation with Insurance contacts he uses for this type of insurance.
4) Communications Committee. Mr. Pickens reported that he was now recruiting members for the Communications Committee and would again update the Board on the status of this at the next meeting.
5) Legal. Mr. Pickens indicated he would contact some resident attorneys to see if they would be available to advise the Board on future legal strategies.
6) Next Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for August 27, 2003 at 7:00 pm. Mr. Pitschneider indicated he would update the Board on location depending on expected homeowner attendance.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Bob Pickens