Minutes 02/04/2004

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on February 4, 2004 at Barb Fialkowski’s residence. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Chris Gustafson, Barb Fialkowski, Dave Lindquist, and Bob Pickens.

The meeting was called order at 7:00 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.

Upon motion, duly made and approved, Minutes from the November meeting were approved.

Meeting Minutes

    1. Finance Update. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the 2002 and 2003 receivables. After considerable discussion on past receivables, the Board decided to file liens against 15 property owners with severely past due balances. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the Association’s cash balance. The current balance of approximately $15,600 was considered sufficient for operations.
    2. Annual Meeting. After some discussion the Board agreed to hold the Annual Meeting of the Association on Thursday, April 22, 2004. Mr. Pitschneider will arrange for the site. If conflicts exist for the chosen site on the aforementioned date, a contingent date of April 29, 2004 was selected. The Communications Group will take responsibility for making sure there is a quorum available for the Annual Meeting.
    3. Due’s Invoice and Mailing Plan. Ms. Fialkowski reviewed the draft of the proposed invoice for current year dues. The Board agreed on a mailing plan.
    4. Master Association. Mr. Lindquist and Mr. Gustafson updated the Board on the most recent Master Association meeting. Of note, the Master Association has retained the services of an attorney to assist in collecting a large receivable from the Savannah Oaks development. This money will need to be collected or it is projected that the Master Association will run out of funds sometime in the summer.
    5. Maintenance Update. Mr. Gustafson indicated he was soliciting bids for the current year’s maintenance requirements. He was expecting to receive three bids by March 15, 2004 for subsequent review at the next Board meeting.
    6. Communications Update. Mr. Pickens reviewed the plans of the Communications Group with the Board and requested a budget consistent with the same. After some discussion this request was approved. Mr. Pickens indicated that the Communications Group would be available at the Annual Meeting and should have the Web-site management established by April 1, 2004. The first Association newsletter is scheduled to be mailed by the end of May.
    7. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for March 18, 2004 at 7:00 pm, at a place to be determined, once expected homeowner attendance is confirmed.

There being no additional business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectively Submitted,

Bob Pickens
