Minutes 02/20/2008

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

February 20, 2008 – 8:00 p.m.

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on February 20, 2008 at Chili’s. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Adrienne Stark, Jenny Ames and Pete Conrad. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.

1) Call to Order – meeting was called to order by Tom.

2) Introduction of Board members and guests – NONE.

3) Approval of Minutes – NONE.

4) Old Business

a. 2008 Annual Meeting – April 10, 2008. Tom will modify the two current signs and get one more. Meeting is at Eagle Creek due to availability.

b. Mailbox inserts – mailbox insert order form to be in March newsletter. The Mailbox Shoppe will honor a price of $55 per insert (same as last year). Jenny to contact handyman to see if he will still honor the $10 per box installation charge. Last year we supplemented the cost due to the fact that the original insert didn’t fit and the proper one was more expensive. (Last year’s cost was $55 total for residents). We will pass on the entire cost on to the residents who wish to order inserts this year.

5) Committee Updates

a. Southbridge Community Association – no meeting was held last month.

b. Communications –newsletter set to be out early March.

c. Rules/Compliance – (see financial section for lien info)

d. Maintenance -

i. irrigation

ii. Landscape maintenance

e. Architectural – no new issues.

f. County Road 21 – no new information.

g. Neighborhood Watch – newsletter has article about the next steps for residents. Mike will take the next step.

6) Financial

a. Liens for outstanding dues – Adrienne provided detailed information about which residents were sent covenant infraction letters and which are behind in dues.

b. financial update

c. Approval of 2007 budget – Budget was approved. Motioned by Pete, seconded by Adrienne under the condition that if adjustments are made they must remain balanced or positive.

7) New Business

a. Jangula – discussion of fine. Pete to send letter inviting him to next meeting.

b. Compliance process – we must review this process – it is not effective as it takes to long to enforce the covenants as it is currently written.

8) Good of the Association

9) Next Meeting – March 19th at Pete’s home, 1640 Windsor.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm on a motion by Adrienne, seconded by Tom. Approved by all.

Respectively Submitted,

Jennifer Ames
