Minutes 05/11/2006
Board of Directors Meeting
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on May 11th, 2006 at Chili’s, Old Carriage Court. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Gary Dose, Adrienne Stark, Jenny Ames, Pete Conrad and resident treasurer Kathy Whitbeck.
Meeting Minutes
1) Call to order and Meeting Minutes Approval - The meeting was called order at 8:00 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board. Minutes from the March meeting were approved via email in March, 2006 and subsequently posted to the website.
2) Introduction of Board Members and guests –
Adrienne Stark and Pete Conrad were welcomed as the newest members of the HOA board.
3) Old Business
a. Doggie receptacles – Adrienne will look into option of setting up doggie waste receptacles on parkway
b. Stop sign at Whitehall/Windsor intersection. Gary shared information regarding the city process to get a stop sign put at that intersection. It is a four-step process, and requires a traffic study of the area. Gary will bring more detailed information to next BOD meeting.
4) Committee Updates –
a. Southbridge Community Association
b. Communications –
c. Rules/Compliance –
d. Maintenance
i. Irrigation
ii. Islands – Tom will get one more bid (for a total of three), then we will make a
iii. Common area photos and data
e. Architectural – Pete to draft a letter regarding Christmas lights
f. County Road 21 – nothing new
5) Financial
a. Filing of liens for outstanding 2005 dues – Kathy and Jenny to research
i. Lien releases need to be filed for 1546 Sussex and 7279 Whitehall
b. Status of 2006 collections and outstanding lien filings
c. Approval of 2006 budget – Approved by all, motion given by Tom, seconded by Pete
6) New Business
a. Election of 2006 officers
i. President – Tom Pitschneider
ii. Vice President/SCA Board – Gary Dose
iii. Secretary – Jenny Ames
iv. Treasurer – Adrienne Stark
v. Director/SCA Board – Pete Conrad
b. Committee liaison assignments
i. SCA – Adrienne and Tom will go to next meeting, board will rotate after that
ii. Communications – Jenny and Pete (technical help)
iii. Rules/Compliance – Pete
iv. Maintenance – Tom/Gary
v. Architectural – Adrienne
7) Good of the Association/Other: next meeting – June 15th – 8 pm at Chili’s.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Jenny Ames