Minutes 06/19/2003
Board Of Directors Meeting
Hamlet At Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on June 19, 2003 at Barb Fialkowski’s residence. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Chris Gustafson, Barb Fialkowski, and Bob Pickens.
The meeting was called order at 7:00 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.
Meeting Minutes
1) Financial Update and Review. Ms. Fialkowski updated the Board on the Association’s financial standing. Current cash balance is $35,705.95 which is sufficient for current operations. There are still several homeowners who are in arrears in payments to the Association. RESOLVED—Final notice to be mailed to applicable homeowners requesting payment by July 15, 2003 or situation may be escalated to legal counsel
2) Election of Officers. After a short discussion, the following Directors were elected as Officers:
Tom Pitschneider, President
Chris Gustafson, Vice President
Barb Fialkowski, Treasurer
Bob Pickens, Secretary
3) Communications Committee. Mr. Pickens presented his draft of a charter for the previously discussed Communications Committee. Mr. Gustafson indicated he would post the appropriate information on the web-site. RESOLVED—The Communications Committee charter was approved as written.
4) Committee Liaisons. After a short discussion, the following Directors were assigned as liaisons to established Committees:
Chris Gustafson, Maintenance Committee
Dave Lindquist, Architectural Committee
Tom Pitschneider, Rules Committee
Bob Pickens, Communications Committee
5) Next Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2003 at 7:00 pm at Ms. Fialkowski’s house. If additional homeowners’ participation is expected at the next meeting, Mr. Pitschneider indicated the meeting could be moved to the Fire Station.
There being no addition business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Bob Pickens