Minutes 05/15/2002
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Aug 15, 2002
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: 1816 Windsor Drive South
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following board members present: Tom Pitschneider, Chris Gustafson, Lisa Johnson, Chad Rice and David Lindquist. Tim Kubicek and Jerry Sweetland were also in attendance.
Election of New Treasurer/Board Member
o Tim Kubicek and Jerry Sweetland were interviewed to fill the position of Treasurer/Board Member due to Lisa Johnson’s resignation.
o Tim Kubicek, Jerry Sweetland, and Jenny Smith were all deemed qualified for the position and votes were cast by Tom Pitschneider, Chris Gustafson, Chad Rice, and David Lindquist.
o The votes came in as follows:
o Tim Kubicek: 3 votes
o Jerry Sweetland: 1 vote
o Jenny Smith: 0 votes
o With 3 votes, Tim Kubicek will immediately become the new Treasurer/Board Member, fulfilling Lisa Johnson’s 1 year term.
o Tom Pitschneider agreed to notify all parties as to the results of the election.
Irrigation Update
o Chris Gustafson provided an update on acquiring other bids for the un-irrigated areas in Hamlet.
o He has made contact with Aspen Ridge Lawn Maintenance and is also reworking the bid with Metro Lawn Sprinklers.
Website Comments
o Since the mailing of invoices, there was an immediate spike in comments received on the website. It was noted that many of the negative comments have come from the Phase 1 residents.
o There was a discussion regarding why this might be and if there was anything that could be done to help alleviate the concerns of the Phase 1 residents.
Financial Update
o Lisa Johnson provided a financial update for the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Chad Rice, Secretary