Minutes 11/02/2006

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on November 2, 2006 at Chili’s. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Pete Conrad and Gary Dose. Board member Jenny Ames arrived later and Board member Adrienne Stark was absent. Also present was resident Scott Kneller. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.

1) Approval of Minutes – October 5, 2006 – motion by Gary, seconded by Pete.

2) Old Business

a. Canine Clean-up Containers – on hold until spring. City research options.

b. Stop Sign – after a second review of traffic counts at Windsor Dr. S. and Whitehall Rd. the City has agreed to proceed with the placement of stop signs on Whitehall Rd. City Council approval is still required before the signs can be installed.

3) Committee Updates

a. Southbridge Community Association

Tom was not able to attend the last meeting. Adrienne did attend but there was no report available. Tom made available a copy of the SCA draft 2007 budget which shows a positive balance at the end of 2006. There will be no increase in SCA dues for 2007. Because of additional tree replacements in 2007 the budget will run about $2,000.00 in the red with this amount being taken from a reserve fund already in place.

b. Communications

The website will be moving to a new hosting site shortly. Jenny and Pete will work on the transfer.

c. Rules/Compliance

There was discussion on holiday and seasonal lights. Motion by Gary, seconded by Pete to add a new rule regarding holiday and seasonal lights.

Holiday lights may be installed between October 15 and March 15. Other seasonal lights may be installed 30 days prior to the seasonal event and must be removed within 15 days after the seasonal event. A $2.00 fine per day of violation will be assessed to the non-compliant property owner.

d. Maintenance

i. Irrigation – blow-outs were completed on the islands and monuments. Invoices need to be forwarded to Adrienne.

ii. Monuments – mulching to be delayed until spring

iii. Islands – work has been completed. There was a miscalculation on the vendors estimate. The estimate stated the cost would not exceed $14,541.00. However when the broken down costs were added up the total amount was $17,841.00. Motion by Gary, seconded by Pete to pay the bill of $17,841.00 plus $852.54 for 2 steel enclosure boxes as required by the City of Shakopee and Shakopee Public Utilities. The total approved payment will be $18,766.54.

iv. Architectural – Tom will be reviewing 2 fence requests.

v. County Road 21 – The City requested an extension of the comment period. There are City concerns about the roadway separating the community. No other Scott County city has as many major County roads as Shakopee,

4) Financial

No financial report provided. Board will be working on 2007 budget at January meeting.

5) New Business

a. Secure Mailboxes

Pete provided a sample of a locking mailbox insert. Motion by Jenny, seconded by Pete to offer the insert to residents requesting it. The estimated cost of the box and installation is $50.00. The goal is to complete a group installation.

b. Neighborhood Watch Groups

Resident Scott Kneller volunteered to coordinate various neighborhood watch groups. With a number of recent issues in the neighborhood the Board feels this is a positive project and has agreed to provide support as needed.

6) Good of the Association


7) Next Meeting

January 4, 2007

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm on a motion by Tom, seconded by Gary.

Approved by all.

Respectively Submitted,

Tom Pitschneider
