Minutes 08/09/2005

Board of Directors Meeting

Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on August 9th, 2005 at Panera Bread Restaurant. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Dave Lindquist, Sonya Kraft, Jenny Ames and Gary Dose.

The meeting was called order at 7:30 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.

Meeting Minutes

1) Meeting minutes from May 4th meeting were unanimously approved.

2) Finance Update. Tom and Gary will be meeting with the potential treasurer to finalize that volunteer position.

The association finances are in good shape – current checkbook balance is approximately 63k, but there are utility, landscaping and other bills yet to be paid.

3) Committee Updates –

Southbridge Community Association (Sonya and Dave): the irrigation of the boulevard should be done in the next few weeks. Quality One is completing the job. Discussions are taking place with previous vendor to determine the financial end of the previous contract.

- The “eyebrow” (Whitehall and Sussex)landscaping has not yet been determined. It has not been decided whether there will be irrigation or not there.

- The first median strip on Southbridge parkway is considered to be part of the Master Association, so it is now being mowed.

- Approximately 30 trees will be replaced on the boulevard, and landscaping on the ends of some of the medians will be redone.

- Encroachment – the city has hired someone to enforce any encroachments that might be occurring on “park” land. This includes the gas line easement, and any areas that belong to the city but are adjacent to individual property. Any structures, gardens, sport courts, etc. that are in these areas will need to be removed. Any residents encroaching will receive a written notice from the city.

Communications Committee (Jenny): the fall newsletter is due out in September. All articles are due by end of August.

Rules Committee (Sonya and Tom): there are four people who have indicated a desire to be on the rules committee. Tom and Sonya will set up the first meeting in the next few months, but would really like one or two more individuals to be on it.

Maintenance Committee (Gary): no updates

Architectural Committee (Dave): no updates

County Road 21: waiting for the environmental impact statement.

4) Other:

· Gary will work with the city to try to get stop signs put at the intersection of Windsor and Whitehall.

· Sonya will look into a doggy disposal option for our neighborhood.

5) Next Meeting. The next meeting will be held sometime in November, date to be determined in the near future.

The meeting was adjourned at 10 pm.

Respectively Submitted,

Jenny Ames
