Minutes 03/06/2006
Board of Directors Meeting
Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Hamlet at Southbridge Homeowner’s Association was held on March 6th, 2006 at Panera Bread Restaurant. Present were Board members Tom Pitschneider, Sonya Kraft, Jenny Ames and Gary Dose. Also present was treasurer Kathy Whitbeck.
The meeting was called order at 8:00 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board.
1) Call to order and Meeting Minutes Approval - The meeting was called order at 8:0 pm by Mr. Pitschneider, President of the Board. Minutes from the January meeting were approved via email in January, 2005 and subsequently posted to the website.
2) Old Business –
a. 2006 Annual Meeting – will be held on Thursday, April 20th at 7pm at Red Oak Elementary
3) Committee Updates -
a. Communications – issue: lists not working; when a neighborhood announcement gets sent out it does not necessarily go to all of the addresses on the list. Jenny will try to get an answer from addr.com and get this resolved. Jenny will also look into another web hosting company to compare and see if we are getting the best value.
Also, as closings in the neighborhood occur, treasurer will notify communications committee of them. The communications committee then sends out “welcome packs” to new residents.
b. Rules – the procedures for enforcing Hamlet’s covenants was approved by the board on March 6, 2006, subject to attorney review.
c. Maintenance -
i. 2006 landscape maintenance
ii. Mailbox maintenance – Gary researched costs of various “handman” companies and
the board approved Patrick Lynard of Masters Handyman to do any mailbox repairs
iii. Island improvements - The Master Association is currently working on the irrigation and the plantings in those areas. The areas have been designed, a contractor has been picked for the plants and are in the final stages of signing with a contractor for the irrigation. There will then be irrigation and planting on the islands this spring.
iv. Long range improvements -
d. Architectural - no new requests for approval.
e. County Road 21 – tentatively set for construction in 2008.
4) Financial: Kathy Whitbeck has been spending an average of 4+ hours a week on treasurer duties. She will not run for treasurer at the meeting, and will continue doing treasurer duties until next fall if necessary.
5) New Business – 2006 Budget was discussed and approved. The 2006 annual meeting is set for April 20th at 7 pm, pending reservation approval from Red Oak.
6) Good of the Association/Other: board members will meet on March 20th at 7 pm to stuff dues information and annual meeting notices into envelopes.
7) Next Meeting. The next meeting will occur prior to the Annual meeting. The board meeting will be at 6pm at Red Oak on April 20th.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 pm.
Respectively Submitted,
Jenny Ames